The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (2024)

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Apple has selected the best apps of the year for each of its six big devices: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV and Vision Pro.

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (1)Apple

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (2)

By Tucker Bowe



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Apple has revealed the finalists for its annual App Store Awards, which honors what it deems to be the best apps (and games) of the year across its various devices: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV and Vision Pro.

In total, there are 45 app finalists. Apple has named three “App of the Year” finalists for each of its devices, plus three “Game of the Year” finalists for devices like iPhone, iPad and Mac. There are also finalists for “Cultural Impact” and Apple Arcade.

Below, we’ve rounded up some of the “App of the Year” finalists for iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad and Mac. For the complete list of finalists, which also includes the “Game of the Year” finalists, check out Apple’s press release.

Judging by past years, you can expect Apple to reveal the winning apps in early December.

iPhone App of the Year Finalists

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (3)Apple


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (4)Kino

iPhone App of the Year Finalist


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Kino is a video app that allows you to record cinema-worthy videos thanks to color presets created by professional filmmakers.

According to Apple, Kino is an iPhone App of the Year finalist “for turning everyday moments into cinematic masterpieces.”


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (5)Runna

iPhone App of the Year Finalist


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Running is a free fitness app that leverages AI to create training plans for runners planning for a various races: 5k, 10k, half-, whole- and ultra marathons.

According to Apple, Runna is an iPhone App of the Year finalist “for offering tailored training plans to runners of all experience levels.”


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (6)Tripsy

iPhone App of the Year Finalist


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Tripsy is a travel app that keeps everything — your expenses, itinerary and various travel stats — in one place.

According to Apple, Tripsy is an iPhone App of the Year finalist “for keeping travelers organized and stress-free.”

Apple Watch App of the Year Finalists

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (7)Apple


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (8)LookUp

Apple Watch App of the Year Finalist


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LookUp is an innovative dictionary app designed for word enthusiasts as well as people trying to learn English.

According to Apple, LookUp is an Apple Watch App of the Year finalist “for improving vocabularies with daily definitions.”


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (9)Lumy

Apple Watch App of the Year Finalist


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Lumy is a simple yet beautiful appfor photographers and nature enthusiasts who want to track the sun’s and moon’s movements.

According to Apple, Lumy is an Apple Watch App of the Year finalist “for connecting users to the rhythms of the sun and moon.”

Watch to 5K

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (10)Watch to 5K

Apple Watch App of the Year Finalist

Watch to 5K

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Watch to 5K is a fitness app for those just into (or back into) running. It creates a nine-week plan for running a 5K in under 30 minutes.

According to Apple, Watch to 5K is an Apple Watch App of the Year finalist “for giving runners a boost, all the way to the finish line.”

iPad App of the Year Finalists

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (11)Apple

Moises: The Musician’s App

Moises is an app for musicians and music educators. It leverages AI to play music at different speeds and keys, as well as remove vocals or instruments from songs.

According to Apple, Moises is an iPad App of the Year finalist “for elevating music practice with AI-powered tools.”

Bluey: Let’s Play

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (13)Bluey: Let’s Play

iPad App of the Year Finalist

Bluey: Let’s Play

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Bluey: Let’s Play is an app for children that lets them interact with characters and environments from the popular animated television series.

According to Apple, Bluey: Let’s Play is an iPad App of the Year finalist “for delivering lovable characters and family-friendly fun.”

Procreate Dreams

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (14)Procreate Dreams

iPad App of the Year Finalist

Procreate Dreams

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Procreate Dreams is an animation app for beginner and professional artists who want to bring their 2D drawings to life.

According to Apple, Procreate Dreams is an iPad App of the Year finalist “for bringing animated stories to life.”

Mac App of the Year Finalists

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (15)Apple

Adobe Lightroom

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (16)Adobe

Mac App of the Year Finalist

Adobe Lightroom

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Adobe Lightroom is a popular photo-editing app for creative professionals and photographers.

According to Apple, Adobe Lightroom is a Mac App of the Year finalist “for enhancing the photo editing process with AI-powered features.”

OmniFocus 4

The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (17)OmniFocus

Mac App of the Year Finalist

OmniFocus 4

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OmniFocus 4 is a powerful task management app that helps individuals and teams complete projects.

According to Apple, OmniFocus 4 is a Mac App of the Year finalist “for fostering focus with simplified task management”


The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (18)Shapr3D

Mac App of the Year Finalist


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Shapr3D is a CAD app that allows you to create 3D models and drawings for manufacturing.

According to Apple, Shapr3D is a Mac App of the Year finalist “for transforming the 3D design workflow.”

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The 45 Best Apps of the Year, According to Apple (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.