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The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (3)

Live - Work - PlayNot to miss events in the next two weeks

CULTURE CALENDAR 4 Houston County calendar of eventsMacon’s Best Bets - events not to miss



VIEWS/NEWS 16A weekly recap and local community news & views- EDUCATION WEEKLY RECAP- Q&A W/ WWE DIVA, BETH PHOENIX

NIGHTLIFE 20 The 11th Hour’s exclusive bar & music schedule- MIDDLE GA BAR & MUSIC SCHEDULE- GO HEAR - WHO’S PLAYING WHERE


Did you ever feel like your posses-sions possessed you? That youhave become a slave to all the

things that are supposed to make your lifebetter? Do you rush to answer that ringingtelephone? Have your clothes taken overthe bedroom? Just how many pair of shoesdoes one person need? One can only watchone television at a time, but if you are likemost, you have one in each room (and forsome of you, that includes the bathroom!You know who you are).

For a few months now, I feel like I ambeing pushed out of my house by my things.My closet is so full of old clothes that I’veresorted to hanging a few outfits on a wallhook so I won’t get lost in the mess thatlurks just on the other side of the closet door.I swear those clothes hanging so convenient-ly on my coat hook have begun taunting me.“Jenny,” they call, “We want to go home;please put us away.” It happens in the deadof night when I’m trying to sleep, I hearthem talking about me. “She’s so lazy. Whycan’t she get her act together?” they wonder;I wonder that myself.

And it’s not just my clothes that hauntme. If it’s not the junk mail that hasn’tmade its way to the trash can; it’s the craftproject that I started but haven’t finished inover a year. They mock me…just sittingthere daring me to do something about it.

As soon as I’ve had enough and decid-ed to get myself organized, as soon as Imake that first move toward purging theseunwanted villains from my life, the phonerings and of course I have to answer it. Ora text comes from a friend and it would justbe rude to ignore it for 30 minutes while Istraighten up a little bit. And so I succumbto the torments of technology promising anexciting escape from the mundanity that ismy life. That is until last Friday night.

I lay in bed, enjoying a show that I hadpreviously taped. A quiet buzz began tosummon my attention to the chaos in myroom; it quickly rose to a raucous din untilI could ignore it no more. The timing wasright—1 a.m.—perfect for a declaration ofwar (most people are asleep, no fear of aninterrupting text). And so I cried out “Out,out you damn clothes!” I jumped to myfeet, armed myself with garbage bags andbegan breaking the shackles of my posses-sions. Yes, I was a woman possessed…butno longer by my things!

I’m happy to report that my closets arenow clean; those clothes hang quietlywhere they belong. The junk mail has beentrashed; and I’ve even purged most of thosekitschy little dust collectors. Spring clean-ing came early this year, thanks to anunseasonably warm season and a late nightrevolution.


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MAILING ADDRESS: P.O Box 14251, Macon, GA 31203

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GENERAL INFORMATION: [emailprotected]©2011, The 11th Hour: Statesboro, Macon, Houston County, GA., all rights reserved. Published bi-weekly, free ofcharge. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the publishers is prohibited. Publishers do not assumeliability for unsolicited manuscripts or materials. Distributed at over 150 locations throught Houston County, GA.Find a location out of papers, please call us at 464-1840. Thanks for reading.

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Do you have a sweetheart?

Chelsea Greer (WR) - Yes, Ethan.He's always there and treats me likeI should be treated.Tracy Richardson (WR) - Yes.She's my wonderful wife. She'sunderstanding, loving, caring, andso compassionate. That, plus she'sa God fearing young lady, is whatmakes her my sweetheart.Keith Williams (WR) - Yes, my wifeof 23 years. She is very loving andvery supportive. She's a wonderfulmother and very graceful.


Q&A withWWE Diva

Beth PhoenixPage 19

PICK US UP AT THESE FINE LOCATIONS throughout Houston County

WARNER ROBINS:Museum of AviationRAFB Commons Macon State WR campusNola Brantley LibraryWR Little TheatreMedical AssociatesMoe’s, El Cotija Friends’s II Bar & GrillFincher’s BBQWow Cafe, Margarita’sSmokes BBQCrickets Bar & GrillYesterdaze Bar & GrillShane’s Rib Shack

Gotwall’s BooksThe TavernFriends on the HillBuffalo’s, Hooter’sJohnny G’sMama GoldbergsMC SalonColor Me PinkBedford Park Apts.BouchezAllen’s PizzeriaGeorgia Bob’s Shenanigan’s Roberto’s MexicanStarship

Middle GA Tech. CollegeWR Music StoreTouch of MagickEl TapatioShenanigansKipper’s Sports BarSugar MagnoliasBahama Bob’sJumpin’ Bean Coffee ShopKingdom ImpactJohnny Carino’sSacred Heart TattooThe HangarRock Bottom Music VenueU Roll Smokes

BYRON:Peach Outlets; Music MastersGeorgia Bob’s ByronMontana’s, Lane PackingByron Welcome Center

BONAIRE:Emilio's Cuban Cafe (Hwy 247)Cavern at Southland StationJohnny’s Pizza, Fusion SalonLarry’s Giant SubsMetropolis, Shenanigan’sMellow Mushroom

PERRY Ramada InnGreen DerbyMy Sister’s CaféPerry Medical CenterShell Food Mart Angelos Italian BistroGalaxy Spirits LiquorsShipwreck SeafoodHampton PlaceNew Perry HotelThe Tavery

Rock n RomancePage 14

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (4)

04 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012


WORKSHOPSGentle Yoga Classes - Learn stretch-ing, relaxing, breathing techniques toimprove flexibility and well-being. 9:30amat Lifepoint Church on Walker Road.Class is donation based and ideal forbeginners of all ages. Please call Helenfor details and times, 478-213-8968.

Mossy Creek Soap Making ClassesSat Jan 21- Liquid Soapmaking 10am-1pm and Sat Jan 28- ColdProcessed Soapmaking 10am-1pm

Spaces fill up fast and I have only 5spots available per class. ContactMichelle Rhoades at 478-973-3190 toregister, or go online to

Photography Workshops - The offerinsights and knowledge into that digitalcamera you just got for Christmas.Instructor Bonnie Gehling will be offering4 pack classes and photoshop class inJanuary. Call 478-956-6793 for times.

Art Classes at the Cow and Calf ArtGallery, Peach Shops at Byron. Learnsomething new, get creative and meetothers. Every Second Monday, 6-8pm,One Stroke Painting Class, 256-9015.Every Tuesday, 10am-12pm, Oils Classby Allan Carey, 953-2052. And everyFriday 10am-2pm, Painting with PennySunderman, 825-9514.


Chocolate and our affection for it has dated to ancienttimes. Tribes of South America brewed stiff, unsweet-ened ceremonial beverages that induced a state of

euphoria and something in the human constitution has neverforgotten those first magical encounters. There is an entirenomenclature built around our collective obsession. So ofcourse, when Valentine’s Day rolls around, and the samplerboxes begin to fly, we find new and wonderful ways toexpress our love and affection for all things chocolate.

The Houston Arts Alliance, and the Perry Arts Centerteam up with co-chairs, Gena Brown DeBoe and SusanVerrochi this year to host an event that not only allowsguests to sample the culinary fare of the area, but allowsthem to also experience the creative forces at work in ourcommunity. Organizers, volunteers, restauranteurs andcaterers descend upon the Armory in Perry to bring to thepublic, an homage to all things chocolate! A tasting menu ofbite sized delicacies from local food wizards will be avail-able along with a silent auction, door prizes, curios andkeepsakes available for purchase, and that’s just for starters.Dance troupes from the area, Dance USA and DanceWarner Robins, will be treating guests to ballroom styles asThe Georgia Big Band plays on through the night. Guestsare encouraged to join the pros on the floor and try a turn ata little swing here and a little salsa there. To liven up thejoint, John Cornacchione will be heating up the brass, a

treat that many have come to enjoy in the mid-State asCornacchione is among the elite musicians who performand have retired from the Air Force Reserve Band. So manythings are represented at the Art of Chocolate event that it issure to appeal to anyone looking for a little bit of romanceand a lot of “mmmm”.

Though much is on display at the historic Armory,there is one thing every guest will have on their mind, and itwouldn’t take a shot in the dark to guess what that is. Thechocolate featured at the event will run the gamut. Frombite sized samples of hand made chocolate created by TerriMurray of Po Man’s Soul Food (best collards and mac andcheese in the area in this writer’s opinion), chocolate dippedkey lime pie and chocolate bread pudding from A PerfectPear to Brownie bites and a fourteen layer chocolate cakecut into tasty morsels from Simply Southern Sweets, a truegourmand will find something to amuse the discerningpalate of a chocoholic. A cheese and fruit sampling will alsobe on stand-by for those who wish to cleanse the palatebefore diving back into the more luxe offerings. Take it allin and take home the memories this Valentine’s day, and inso doing support local business and talent that will bringsuch things to the culture of the Houston County area formany years to come.

Tickets for the Art of Chocolate are available for pur-chase but are limited in number so be sure to reserve yourssoon. Call (478)287-5262 to purchase or for more informa-tion. Bon appetit! RACHEL HELIE

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (5) 5


2.16WARNER ROBINS LITTLE THEATREPRESENTS “ANY BODY HOME?”Feb. 16-19; 23-25. Showtimes: 8:00 PMevenings, 2:30 PM Matinees.Reservations are highly recommendedfor each performance. Call 478 929-4579502 S. Pleasant Hill Road


2.18HOUSTON ARTS ALLIANCE PRE-SENTS “ART OF CHOCOLATE”7-11pm at the Perry Arts Center. Enjoy anight of decadent chocolate, dancing andmingling to the Georgia Big Band.Tickets are $25 each. 1121 Macon Rd.,Perry. Ph: 478-988-2700


2.24MUSEUM OF AVIATION EDUCATIONWORKSHOPS In Construction Workshop, 1st–2nd gradestudents will plan and build a city usingrecycled items and their imagination. TheConstruction Workshop is three fun-filledhours, 9 am - 12 noon. The workshopwill also focus heavily on recycling andthe importance of knowing not all trashis garbage.

Air Traffic Control STEM Lab three-hour workshop from 9 am to 12 pm willallow students in 6th –9th grades tointeract with airline pilots and take fullresponsibility for the safe arrival of hun-dreds of passengers. It's tense. The Museum of Aviation Air TrafficControl program is a state of the art,interactive application that simulates

actual ATC activity at Atlanta HartsfieldInternational Airport.

For information about the workshopsand other education programs or call theMuseum Education Department at (478)926-5558.

PERRY PLAYERS COMMUNITYTHEATRE PRESENT “SEX PLEASE,WE’RE SIXTY”A hilarious farcical comedy about ladiesman Bud "the stud" Davis and his effortsto win all the ladies at Rose Cottage bedand breakfast. The tables are turned onViagara-powered Bud when he tries touse the "female enhancment" pill Venusiato tamper with the course of romance.Directed by Gary Deibert. Showing February 24 - 26 and 29 and March 1-4. Evening Shows start at 7:30 pm, SundayMatinee at 2:30 pm. Tickets: adults $15Seniors/ military $12, Student/ Child $10Wednesday Special Buy 1 $15 ticket, get1 FREE!


3.03BYRON DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS “NEVERLAND”Two showtimes 2pm and 7pm at theByron United Methodist Church. Ticketsare just a $3 donation. Be sure to see thiswonderful play and support your com-munity theatre and the efforts of theByron Drama Club. For more informa-tion call Heather Rady at 319-3069.


3.09PEACHES TO BEACHES YARD SALEMarch 9th & 10th. Cities along Hwy 341from Perry to Brunswick. Free event.

What makes artists tick? Artists havea stigma of being odd, or eccen-tric, I would bet they are continu-

ally thinking of the next project or the prob-lem piece they are currently working on.Artists are born; they have a need to “make”.Art haunts their sleep and emotion comesthrough in theirwork.

Artists startlearning as soon asthey are born; theystart making whenyoung. Some takebreaks, but have todoodle to let thetalent out, it isalways there. Godgives artists theirtalent, and it is upto the person tocultivate it.

Everyone isdifferent; just asthere are differenttastes; there are artists who follow each taste.Some artists are inspired by music, othersspiritual, others nature. All are intrigued withtextures!

My husband discovered a while ago thatthe easiest way to make me happy is justdrive around and explore. I enjoy taking aroad to just see where it leads; I enjoy thetextures that I find in nature. Love the trees,fields, clouds and, when I meander around,my brain is noticing the textures and colors,putting together how it would come out oncanvas, what brush to use, how to mix thatcolor, what type of paint would work bestand how to get that texture.

People ask artists how long it takesthem to do a project, sometimes it may behours, but that is after years of practice andlearning. When artists price their artwork,patrons, as well as the artists themselves needto keep in mind they are professionals, just asany doctor or lawyer. They have studied as

long, if not longer. When I have spent weekson a painting, and someone wants me to sellit at a crazy low price, I keep in mind thatthey are just not thinking. I always want toask, so how much do you get paid an hour foryour work? Why do you feel that I do notdeserve to get paid as much per hour?

Artworki n v o l v e sresearch, train-ing, and longhours of soli-tude workingin the studio.When you arelooking for artto hang in yourhouse, MiddleGeorgia hastalent oozingout of its soil.You can getwonderful oneof a kind origi-nal paintings

and sculpture for the price of a print. Keepyour money in the United States, supportyour local artists, they will appreciate it. Youmay end up collecting art that will be an heir-loom and become a better investment thanany real estate. When picking art look fororiginality, quality, emotion as well as abili-ty, not just if it matches your couch.

There will be a wonderful eventFebruary 18th 7-11pm in Perry at the PerryArt Center (1121 Macon Rd. in Perry) TheArt of Chocolate; you will see all types ofart, from paintings, to food to musical. Agreat event! For more information call: 478-320-6803 Tickets are $25 per person

Watch for art from all ages, in theGalleria Mall in Warner Robins, March 14thru the 21st, you will find art from theHouston County Schools. All ages from ele-mentary to High School. Come and see theircreativity!LESLIE HOOPS-WALLACE


On March 9-10, Golden Isles Parkway will become a Mecca for treasure huntersas communities along this peach-lined path to the coast participate in the 12thAnnual The Peaches to the Beaches event. Georgia’s longest yard sale spans

over 200 miles and features vendors selling everything from antiques and locally craft-ed items to traditional yard sale fare.

Thousands of visitors will find spectacu-lar sidewalk sales at downtown businessesand traditional yard sales offering handmadecrafts, collectibles and pre-loved treasures.Communities like Perry benefit from thisbeloved event—vendors can make a littlecash for those unwanted items while the townand businesses benefit in even more impor-tant ways.

“We benefit from the economic impactfrom those traveling to and through Perry forthe sale,” said Sheila Jones, ExecutiveDirector Perry Area Convention & VisitorBureau. “We have vendors from out of thestate that have come to sale their items aswell as the shoppers are not only spendingmoney with the yard sale vendors but theyare eating in our restaurants, staying in ourhotels, and buying gas and that effects our tax base in a great way. We also benefitfrom the exposure it gives our community for future visitation.”

While traveling along Hwy 341, be sure to look for special “Official Vendor” signswhich identify each official Peaches to Beaches yard sale site. Organizers ask shop-pers to be sure to stop at the official vendor sites as the vendors pay a small fee to

participate which, in turn, makes it possible to keep the event returning and evengrowing.

Be sure to pick up your shopping passport and have it stamped while visitingofficial participating communities. Then drop your passport off in an official drop box

to qualify for the “shop til you drop” contest.Participating communities include

Roberta, Fort Valley, Perry, Hawkinsville, Eastman,Helena, McRae, Lumber City, Hazlehurst,Graham, Baxley, Surrency, Odum, Screven,Jesup, Brunswick, St. Simons Island and JekyllIsland.

The Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale issponsored and organized by the Golden IslesParkway Association, a membership organizationthat represents Businesses, Municipalities,Boards of Tourism, Chambers of Commerce,Convention & Visitors Bureaus and other organi-zations in towns and cities along and near theGolden Isles Parkway, US Highway 341. Theevent increases tourism and commerce for allcommunities along the way. According to Jones,all monies collected from vendor spaces sold aresplit between the local community organizer

(Chamber or CVB) and the GIPA; 100% is used to promote the next year’s event.Official yard sale hours will be Friday – Saturday, 8am – 6pm, rain or shine. Check

out more information on The Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale, by MURR



Portrait Painting Class with Deanna Griffin

CURTAINS PLEASE...Three local theatre openings this month atWarner Robins Little Theatre, Perry Playersand Byron Drama Club.

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (6)


2.17FAMILY-FUN MONSTER JAM ATMACON CENTREPLEXAdvance Auto Parts® Monster Jam is anincredible family-friendly experience starringthe biggest performers on four wheels:Monster Jam monster trucks. These twelve-feet-tall, ten-thousand-pound machines willbring you to your feet, racing and ripping up acustom-designed track full of obstacles tosoar over - OR smash through. Pit Party: Sat.@ 11:30-1:00pm. Show Friday at 7pm.Saturday at 2pm and 7:30pm. Ticket Prices:$10, $20, $25, $40, Call 478-751-9232.


2.23CONCERT MIRANDALAMBERT AT THEMACON CENTREPLEXMiranda will be on Fire whenshe hits the stage February23rd with Chris Young andJerrod Niemann at TheMacon CentreplexColiseum, just threemonths after her highlyanticipated new CD ‘Fourthe Record’ enjoyed itsNovember 1st release.

“I'm looking forward to the tour andplaying some new music from ‘Four TheRecord’ and kicking some attitude,” saidMiranda. It will be a great year with ourfans." Lambert, the reigning CMA FemaleVocalist of the Year, is nominated for twoCMA Awards this year. Tickets $28.25 andup. Macon Centreplex Box Office or byphone at 800-745-3000.


2.24CONCERT THE OFFICIAL “BLUESBROTHERS” REVUE 7:30 p.m. at theGrand Opera House. ‘The Blues Brothers’ arewhat can only be described as a musical,

comedic, and cinematic legend and theirreverent characters of Jake &Elwood resonate with everyday peo-ple all over the world. In true BluesBrothers spirit, The Official Blues

Brothers Revue is a live concert showthat combines the comedy and hitsongs from the original 1980 hit film.The Official Blues Brothers Revue

and their ten-piece intercontinentalrhythm & blues revue band, payhomage to the humor, music andmayhem of the Blues Brothers, aswell as the rich history of blues,gospel and soul music. Tickets$38. 651 Mulberry Street, (478)301-5470.

06 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

For seven years now, a fewMaconites and hundreds of film-makers have been really busy build-

ing a film festival in the heart ofDowntown. Spread out over three historicvenues, over 100 films will run Thursdaythrough Sunday at thisyears MAGA FilmFestival. Though over10,000 dollars in prizemoney will be handed outto filmmakers, and thou-sands of tickets will be soldto special screenings withguests like Jay Carson,Beth Grant, and JosephUliano, the festival is worthmuch more than that.While engaging our com-munity in a celebration offilmmaking it promotes ourarea as a viable and attrac-tive place for film production. Rememberthat film The Help? Just a few years ago theProducers of that film, Brunson Green andOctavia Spencer, who played MinnieJackson in the film were both here in Maconfor the festival, with their film Pretty UglyPeople. They trounced around town withfriend Carey Pickard and dined at the TicToc Room, and nobody really knew them.Now, both up for Academy Awards thisyear, we doubt they’d go unnoticed. A spe-cial guest this year, Beth Grant has acted indozens of blockbuster films including LittleMiss Sunshine, No Country for Old Menand most recently the film The Artist, nom-inated this year for ten Academy Awards.But the festival is full of people like that,

full of people who have had great careers inthe movie business or who will go on to.

From students from across the south-east, to experimental film makers from asfar away as Japan and Bosnia, The MaconFilm Festival has grown into a multi-

dimensional and cul-tural experience for allof Macon to enjoy. Sobuy your tickets inadvance, and hole upin a dark, historic the-atre to watch somefilms, and pay atten-tion to who you aresitting next to.

Workshops arealso a fun and free partof the festival experi-ence. Led by specialguests and funded bythe Community

Foundation, this is a great way to learnabout different aspects of filmmaking.February 18th, Charles Poe with discuss“Making Independent Films.” February19th learn about "How Hollywood is LikeDating: Tips for Surviving in theScreentrade." Sarah Treem was a 26 yearold playwright when she accidentallylanded a job writing a few scripts for anew show on HBO called In Treatment. Inthis workshop, she'll talk about how shesurvived and became an executive produc-er. Sunday discuss “Directing andDistributing Independent Films” withNick Moran. All workshops are free andopen to the public. 533 Cherry

7th annual


SATURDAY,FEB 18 - 8:15PM“DONNIEDARKO” withspecial guestBeth Grant Accolades first;One ofHollywood's mostrecognizablefaces, she hasstarred in over

seventy feature films including “LittleMiss Sunshine” as the character youlove to hate, Pageant Official Jenkinsand “No Country for Old Men’s” testymother to Carla Jean. Don’t miss thisrare chance to interact with an A-listactress after viewing the cult classic.


The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (7) 7

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (8)

08 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

Dragon Novelties

403 North Commercial Circle478.293.1717

Must be 18 to enter & buy

Mon-Thur 10am-9pm | Fri & Sat 10am-10pm | Sun 12:30-6:30pm

Herbal IncenseGlass WarePaper andAccessories

We may not have it all...BUT WE HAVE IT CHEAPER



FEB 21


Ask about ourDaily Deals

It only took him a few years to take hisown advice, and he bought a SwissHiking Company, called AlpineAdventure Trails Tours in 1997. Since2006, Shannon has been guidinggroups of people through the majesticAlps full time.

What led you to Swiss Hiking?Well I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors,and my father Travis had actually beento Switzerland many times, so my

family came to know it through him.He actually went out with the fellowwho started the company we ended upbuying in 1997. Originally it was myself,my father and my brother Thad. Mybrother had a little boy and can’t makeit over as much, so now-a-days it’spretty much just me. The year webought the company I went over for thesummer and basically learned the layof the land, hiked every day and wentaround meeting hotel owners.

Tell me about a typical hike. Ourunique program provides hikingoptions for all abilities. Each day youhave a choice of a moderate hike or amore strenuous hike. The group gath-ers for a brief meeting each eveningafter dinner when two hikes are pre-sented for the following day. GuideOne will describe in detail an easy tomoderate hike that is limited in eleva-tion gain and has a distance of six tonine miles. Those who choose GuideOne will usually ride above the treeline by cable car or cog rail train andhike a moderate trail. Most hikes withGuide One are of variable length -designed so you can elect to do a por-tion of the hike or the entire hike –thanks to the extensive Swiss andAustrian transportation network oftrains and cable cars. If you walk threeto four miles per day, three days aweek for several weeks before the trip,you should find your hikes with GuideOne thoroughly enjoyable.

Guide Two will provide a morechallenging hike - seven to twelvemiles in length, with elevation gains ofapproximately 2,500 to 3,500 feet.Hikes with Guide Two take you toareas that can only be reached by footor helicopter. In all the years I’ve ledhikers in the Alps, no guest has eversaid there was not enough hiking. Themost common comment we receive isthat their trip was the best hikingvacation they have ever had. Lunchfor both groups is usually in small innsor mountain huts and, when possible,Groups One and Two will eat together.After completing the day’s hike you

return to the comforts of the inn for anevening of fine dining and a restfulnight sleeping in your private roomwith a private bath. The following dayyou awake to enjoy a bountiful buffetbreakfast before starting the day’snew hike.

Why did you choose the Alps tostart this company?I really love the glaciers.The big U-shaped valleys and the waterfalls.There really is just no place like it onearth. And it’s also one of the clean-est places you will ever visit. Even thehuts we visit along the hiking trailshave flushing toilets. Even for thosewho aren’t so outdoorsy it’s a reallygreat chance to get outdoors.

Alpine Adventure Trails Tours6-Night Cost Starting at $2600For more information call1-888-478-4004


Shannon Harris, a Macon native who got into the insurance and financialplanning game out of college often offered his clients some unique advice.“Yes, save your money, and put it away for retirement, but if you can findsomething you enjoy doing, then get busy making that happen.”

The Villageof Zermatt

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (9) 9

Macon Locations: 238 Tom Hill Sr Blvd K-Mart Shopping Center 478-474-3300

Sears Macon Mall 2nd Level 478-471-1889

1368 Gray Hwy Dollar General Center 478-742-2637

4333 Hartley Bridge Rd.Kroger Shopping Center478-785-9464

3850 Pio Nono Ave.Rose's Shopping Center478-785-9325

225 Tom Hill Sr. Blvd.Publix Shopping Center478-477-7173

Gray Locations 511 Settlement Drive Across from Clinton BBQ 478-986-6700

Ft. Valley Locations Hwy 341, Food Depot Ct 478-825-3558

Perry LocationsWal-Mart Shopping CenterNext to Mexican Restaurant478-987-3651

Warner Robins Locations Russell Parkway Kroger Shopping Center 478-923-9691

Watson Blvd. Target Shopping Center 478-953-9980

Watson Blvd. Across from Home Depot 478-923-3481

Watson Blvd.Corner of Pleasant Hill478-329-1914

Bonaire LocationsGA Hwy 96Kroger Shopping Center478-987-1565

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (10)

10 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012


New Byron Location forCaptain Jack’s Crab ShackThe Captain Jack’s Crab Shack hasmoved and anchored down at its newlocation at 107 Chapman Road, just offthe exit ramp. If you haven’t been there,you need to come out and try someexcellent seafood selections. Their hoursare Monday thru Sunday 11am - 10pm.For more information call 956-7728.

Try the Warner Robins Rollat Benson’sBenson’s Steak & Sushi located at 1289South Houston Lake Road offers up fine

japanese cuisine in an intimate and casu-al setting. Despite the common reactionof distaste at the prospect of eating rawfish, sushi is actually a simple and deli-cious food that can easily be enjoyed byadults, children, vegetarians and even theextremely squeamish. Although sushi'shistory goes back to the 7th century, thepopular form that is served in modernsushi bars came into popularity in 1820,Tokyo. The thin, toasted seaweed sheets,called Nori, used in rolled (maki) sushi arehigh in Vitamin A, B-complex, Niacin andVitamin C. It is also good for digestion.The rice is low in fat and sodium free.The various are excellent sources of pro-tein and minerals. So enjoy the healthbenefits of sushi, and enjoy the flavorsand art form of this quick meal.

It’s been a hectic week and you’re e looking for anescape—some place far away where the ocean breezeblows through your hair while you sip a tropical con-

coction. But, alas, your budget won’t allow for a trip toJamaica and so you head down the street looking for some-thing good to eat. All is not lost, while you may not be ableto take that coveted vacation, you can still escape, if onlyfor a short while. Island Paradise Bar & Grill provides theweary-hearted a taste of the Caribbean that is “crawful”(outrageously good)!

The robust menu offers brunch, lunch, and dinner—allcustomized to delight your discriminating palate. Whetheryou like a mild sweet dish or something hot and spicy, ChefKevin is happy to prepare your dish according to order. Withhundreds of unique personal recipes, Kevin is sure to cook upfare guaranteed to keep you coming back for more.

I am not a fan of extremely spicy food—if it makesmy nose run…I’m not gonna eat it. So I was a bit appre-hensive when placing my order. So I told him what I didn’tlike and left the rest up to the chef. What I got was a dishthat was so sumptuous that I can’t seem to get it out of mymind. I’ve been raving about the food and telling everyonewho will listen about this place that has become my all-time favorite place to eat.

“I’ve created a special dish for you,” Kevin said.“Grilled chicken bites, atop spicy fried rice served with apineapple reduction.” It was as pretty to look at as it wasdelicious. Just enough spice to catch my attention, with asweet sauce to keep the heat at bay…perfection!

There is something for everyone. Lunch offers salads,sandwiches, soups and entrees to cover anyone’s desires.They even offer a $5 special for those of you on a budget.Mango BBQ boneless pork chops, jerk chicken, braisedoxtails, fish run down, and coconut curry shrimp are justsome of the dishes featured on the dinner menu. Pair any ofyour selections with some mango tea, tropical juices, oryour choice of alcohol to finish your experience. A specialkids menu is also available.

On Sundays, brunch is served from 11 to 4 p.m. for just$12.99. Be sure to tell your pastor, because he will eat free onSundays. The buffet is a fusion of American and Caribbeandelights. From Waffles and Chicken, to eggs, bacon, Frenchtoast to curry chicken and succulent fish in a coconut sauce, itoffers a plethora of culinary selections to make you dream ofJamaica during that Sunday afternoon nap.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, a special package is avail-able to make his job of planning the evening easy. In addi-tion to a special menu, complete with drink and dessert,diners will enjoy candlelight, long stem roses, live music,and a photo to commemorate the event. Prices start at $30per couple and reservations are suggested.

And if the food isn’t enough to keep you returning, thefriendly atmosphere is. Staff makes a point of making youfeel welcome and, upon return, will greet you by name.Owner, Patricia fa*gon, makes sure that each customer is sat-isfied both physically and spiritually before leaving.A “big up uno dem” (praise to all of them) for giving thecommunity a sweet escape from the monotony of our lives!Island Paradise Bar & Grill is located at 2203 Watson Blvd,in the Big Lots shopping strip. Hours are Monday-Thursday,11 – 8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday, 11 – 9 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 – 4p.m. For more information, call 478-550-3736.- JENNY MURR


The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (11) 11

DINING DINING OUT | dining hotspots and weekly dining deals

Montana’s Steakhouse, ByronSpecializing in some of this areas finest steaks,ribs, chicken & seafood. Located in the PeachOutlet Mall and open Monday - Sunday 11 am- 10 pm! 311 Ga Highway 49 N Byron, (478)956-0441.

Friends Bar & GrillServing up your favorite homestyle dishes,along with famous burgers, chicken tendersand other bar food staples.1129 RussellPkwy,225.1165 LD • BAR • $.

Johnny’s New York-style PizzeriaA New York style pizzeria featuring freshbaked pizza, authentic pasta dishes, calzones,subs and salads.Monday nights,kids dine for 99¢(one-topping sliceand a drink.) Thispizzeria offers anamazing andaffordable menualso featuringweekly drink spe-cials and somenightly entertain-ment. Student Special Monday - Friday 2-5pm,enjoy 2 cheese slices and a co*ke for just $4.99.LD • BAR • $-$$ Hwy 96 in KrogerShopping Center. Open Mon-Thu,Sun 11am-9:30pm; Fri-Sat 11am-10:30pm. 478.988.0220

Mellow MushroomIn 1974, three college students in Atlantaopened the first of what has now grown to100 restaurants. Each one locally-owned andoperated, with their own distinct, funkified fla-vor. Gourmet pizza, original sandwiches and alarge drink menu. Family friendly! LD • BAR• $-$$ Located just off Bass Road at 5425Bowman Road, Macon.

The Tavern at Southland StationAmerican dining at its finest. Entrée choicesare vast and the portions are plentiful.Whether selecting seafood, chicken or beef,diners are sure to be amazed by the succulentUSDA prime-aged steak, fresh fish and uniquedaily specials prepared by Executive Chef MikeVinson.Ask about the crab cake weekend spe-cial. LD • BAR • $-$$ 117 Russell Pkwy(near Southland Station), Monday – Saturday,11 a.m. – midnight. For more information, call(478) 929-5126 or visit the website

Allen’s Stone-baked PizzeriaHandmade dough, special requests, and X-box360’s Kinect make this the perfect place forthe family. Lunchtime, 11 – 3 p.m., offers a spe-cial 15-minute guarantee to have your pizza toyour table at a cost of only $4.99 for one top-ping. Delivery, pick-up, or dine in. LD • $-$$115-A Margie Drive, just down from theGoodwill store. Hours of operation are Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m.—10 p.m. and Sun. noon –9 p.m.

Martin’s BBQPulled pork, ribs, sliced beef brisket, sausage,smoked turkey, pork chops and all the normalfixins for a good ole southern barbecue can befound at convenient locations. $-$$ 102 South1st Street (near the base) 478-923-0800 & 866Ga Highway 96 # D 478-988-0292

Shakey's Pizza ParlorWith an all-you-can-eat buffet offered in addi-tion to their special pizzas, Shakey's is a family-friendly place. Offering specials for kids, mili-tary and senior citizens, there's something forevery taste. Don't forget the fried chicken andcinnamon buns or you'll be sorry! Friday night,enjoy a special catfish and shrimp buffet. LD •$; $$ Hours of operation Sun. - Sat. 11 a.m. to10 p.m.; 785 N. Houston Rd., 478-923-5381

Montana’s Bar & Grill at The LandingsSpecializing in some of this areas finest steaks,ribs, chicken & seafood. With lunch and dinnerspecials, open seven days a week. Special din-ner menu Thursday - Saturday 5pm-closing. 309Statham’s Way, 478-923-5222

Metropolis Cafe - Curry & KabobOffering Greek, Mediterranean and Indian Cuisine.Two locations:Warner Robins - 866 Hwy 96 (478)988-8129 **Indian Cuisine served in W.R. on Wed. &Sat. only; Macon - 2460 Riverside Dr. (478) 464-0247; Hours of operation: Mon. – Sun., 11 a.m. – 10p.m. $-$$

Rusty's Downtown Grill & BarAppetizers, Beef, Seafood and Pasta entrees,kids meals, large selection of desserts and fullbar. LD - Lunch $; Dinner $ $$ $$$807 Carroll Street, Perry, (478-224-7878. Mon- Thurs:11:00 am-9:00 pmFri - Sat:11:00 am-10:00 pm

Grampa's Catfish HouseSeafood. LD $ $$, 2907 Watson Blvd (byTarget) Hours Sun - Sat noon - 10 p.m.

BLD: Breakfast, Lunch, DinnerBAR: Alcohol Served$: Entrees under $10$$: $10-$20 $$$: Above $20THE DISH dining hotspots


KIDSEAT 99¢Monday nights,treat the kids!


TODD @ FATZ CAFE What he recommends? Ribeye with blue cheese peppercorn and sideof shrimp....firecracker appetizers

Favorite restaurant other than where youwork? Stevie B's, I love their Smore pizza.

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (12)

12 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

Greek VillageR E S TA U R A N T

421 N. Commercia l Circ leWarner Robins | 478-542-2020

Breakfast served Sat & Sun 9am - 3pm

Greek Specialties Including;Greek Salads, Gyro, Chicken Souvlaki

and Mikonos Panini

Also serving favorites;Southwest Chicken Wrap, Gourmet

Burgers, and California Panini

EXPIRES 3/16/12

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (13) 13

117 Russell PkwyWarner Robins478-929-5126

Warner Robins’ Favorite forFresh Ingredients • Casual Dining • Smoke-Free Environment

Live MusicSaturdays ~ Phil & Michelle Palma • Wednesdays ~ Rob & Eddie


TAVERN LASSICSWIL’S FAVORITEFresh chicken tenderloins, hand breadedand fried with signature bistro sauce orhoney mustard, fried and coleslaw.$9.50

EGINNINGSSouthern Fried Chicken Tenders • Fried Green Beans

Crab Bites • Crispy Fried Wings • Fried PicklesBBQ Chicken Quesadillas • Tavern Fried Chips

CAPE FEAR SHRIMPTender, fried shrimp tossed in eitherBoom Bang or Buffalo sauce.

THE TERMINATORHomemade fries topped with MontereyJack, cheddar, bacon & spicy ranch


TavernTavernTavernat Southland Station



CHEF MIKE’S ANGUSHalf pound Fresh Angus chopped chucksteak topped with mushroom demi-glace,red skin mashed potatoes, sauteed veggiesand garlic toast. $10.95


ONE GREAT STEAKHand-cut, aged Angus Ribeye, grilledto perfection with two sides. $19.95

SHRIMP SCAMPIPan seared gulf shrimp & linguinein a lemon butter white wine $13.45


Catch of the Day • Grilled Salmon with Bourbon honey glazeChicken Parmesan • Jumbo Shrimp served your way

Shrimp Linguini • And so much more

478-929-5126478-929-5126117 Russell Pkwy, Warner Robins117 Russell Pkwy, Warner Robins

Live MusicSaturdays ~ Phil & Michelle Palma

Wednesdays ~ Rob & Eddie

TAVERN LASSICSWIL’S FAVORITEFresh chicken tenderloins, hand breaded and fried with signature bistro sauce and coleslaw. $9.50

EGINNINGSSouthern Fried Chicken Tenders • Fried Green Beans

Crab Bites • Crispy Fried Wings • Fried PicklesBBQ Chicken Quesadillas • Tavern Fried Chips

CAPE FEAR SHRIMPTender, fried shrimp tossed in eitherBoom Bang or Buffalo sauce.

THE TERMINATORHomemade fries topped with MontereyJack, cheddar, bacon & spicy ranch


TavernTavernTavernat Southland Station



CHEF MIKE’S ANGUSHalf pound Fresh Angus steak topped with mushroom demi-glace, red skin mashed potatoes, sauteed veggies. $10.95


ONE GREAT STEAKHand-cut, aged Angus Ribeye, grilled to perfection with two sides. $19.95

SHRIMP SCAMPIPan seared gulf shrimp &linguine in a lemon butter white wine $13.45


Catch of the Day • Grilled Salmon with Bourbon honey glazeChicken Parmesan • Jumbo Shrimp • And so much more


Warner Robins’ Favorite forFresh Ingredients • Casual DiningAnd a Smoke-Free Environment

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (14)

14 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

are full ofromance; melod-

ic lyrics of love fill the airwaves. But mostpeople will tell you that in real life, rock andromance just don’t mix; unless, that is, youask Mat and Terri Weber.

After attending a Braves game, Terriand her friends stopped in at Rivalry’s for aquick drink; Mat was playing in the band,Dirty Sally, from Harrisburg, Pa. “I was nota groupie; I was a nice girl ,” Terri said,explaining her atypical behavior.

“It was a fluke that I met him when Idid. I never went out on a week night,” shesaid. “He looked really good on stage. I senta friend of mine up to talk to him first. Hewas such a nice guy; he’s misperceived by alot of people. I learned a big lesson fromthat. People still this day judge him by hishair and earrings.”

Coming from a military family, Terriwas scared to take Mat home to meet thefolks. “It took me about a month to take himover there,” she said. “But my parents lovedhim—I was scared over nothing. He growson people quick.”

Mat’s band was on tour for the eastcoast and Warner Robins was a small stop inbetween larger gigs in the southeast. Amonth after they met, the band headed toBuford, SC. “She ended up taking the sum-mer off to travel with us,” Mat said. Matheaded home after the tour and that’s whenthings began to heat up.

“There were no cell phones or internetback then and when the tour ended weresorted to phone calls and letter writing. Weblew up Delta flying back and forth; it gottoo expensive so I said let’s get married.”And they did in short order, a year after theymet Mat and Terri tied the knot. That was 18years and three kids ago.

“She was an army brat and I was aMama’s boy, so she moved to Pennsylvaniafor me. But she only lasted through two coldwinters before she wanted to move back to

Georgia,” said Mat. Although he took a jobas a Corrections Officer and shaved hishead, the long haired rock and roller stilllived deep inside. After several years, Terriencouraged him to start a band here.

She moved her Corvette outside so hecould turn the garage into a rehearsal studioand even came up with a name for the band.“It was New Years Eve and we had four cou-ples over. We moved all furniture out of liv-ing room; one guy was playing guitar anoth-er was decorating tree and broke an orna-ment cutting two fingers, the guy playingdrums was wearing jester hat and Mat wasbarefoot. I played around with thewords…barefoot jester two fingers. Soon itbecame 2 Finger Jester.”

“It’s a hard life even though I’m not onroad. The weekend grind alone consists of67 shows plus we both have full time jobs,kids playing sports and daily life. Now I’mdoing laundry, not really rock & roll any-more; life has changed quite a bit.” Mat said.“It’s the same results but the stuff in betweengigs is more domesticated. I’ve become aBaseball/Football dad.”

They’ve stuck it out—best friends to theend and, despite the dissonant chords thataccompany a life of Rock and Roll; theirrelationship is one of harmony, peace andhappiness.

2 Finger Jester is celebrating their 10thAnniversary show at the Hummingbird, inMacon, on Mat’s birthday February 18. Tofind other play dates, check out theirFacebook page.

When were you married? May 21, 1994. Both of our parents have been married a long time….coming up on 50years together.What’s “Your Song”? I embarrassed her real bad in SouthCarolina. I picked up a 12 string guitar and started singing“Every Rose has its Thorn”…she got embarrassed and ranout of the store.Best way to make up—Just being sweet…and do house-work. Our schedules—he does a lot around here.Favorite date or way to spend time together? We like togo to Zen or hang out here—he’s my best friend.Besides music, what are your common interests? Kidsand sports. What are your professions? I work at Stantec EngineeringFirm and Mat owns his own pool business.Tell me about your kids:Tara is 22; she was a cheerleader in High School and worksat the Cantrell Center now. Arlie is 16 and the oldest boy,he plays Baseball & Football and he plays the drums. Jesse,13, plays Baseball & Football and goes to Northside MiddleSchool.

Rock n RomanceRock songs

“If it wasn’t for music Iwouldn’t have met Terriand not have kids now.Everything I have I owe tomusic.” – Mat Weber

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (15) 15


LOCAL BUSINESSMANVISITS PERRY MIDDLESCHOOL Mike Waller, owner of several local SonicDrive-ins, visited Diana Phillips' computerclass at Perry Middle School. He spoketo the students about how he came frommoderate means and transitioned into anentrepreneur and current owner of multi-ple stores. Waller discussed necessaryjob skills including: personal drive, atti-tude, appropriate interview attire, andother 21st century skills. He concludedhis presentation with complimentary cher-ry limeade coupons. Students left withsmiling faces with great anticipations oftheir Sonic treat.

TEACHER RECRUITMENTFAIR TO BE HELD INMARCHThe Houston County School System willhost its annual Teacher Recruitment Fairon Saturday, March 3, 2012, at WarnerRobins High School. Teachers interest-ed in employment with the system areinvited to attend the recruitment fair onMarch 3, from9:00 a.m. until noon.Candidates are asked to register in thegym lobby by submitting a résumé.Representatives from 38 schools will con-duct screening interviews.

HCHS MAKES PRESENTA-TION TO PERRY CIVITANHouston County High Early ChildhoodEducation student, Sydney Bohannon,recently spoke to the Perry Civitan Clubabout the Program and the on-site LittleBears Preschool. Also attending fromHouston County High were Bailey Fisher,FCCLA State Vice President of NationalPrograms, and their instructor/adviser,Jane Cooper. They were invited by Civitanmember, Lora Arledge, who also serveson the Houston County High's Family andConsumer Sciences Advisory Committee.

Houston County High senior andFCCLA State Vice President of NationalPrograms Bailey Fisher recently spoke tothe Perry Civitan Club about Family,Career and Community Leaders ofAmerica (FCCLA). She told them thatFCCLA was formerly called FHA, orFuture Homemakers of America and thatGeorgia has the largest membership inthe nation, with over 32,000 members.Her adviser, Jane Cooper, also attendedthe meeting.


Robins Federal CreditUnion AcceptingScholarship ApplicationsApply for the 2012 Most ExcellentSenior Team (MEST) Scholarship. Fivehigh school seniors will be awarded afour year, $4,000.00 scholarship. Thedeadline to apply is noon on Friday,March 23. Guidelines and applicationsmay be found on Robins Federal CreditUnion’s website,

Six schools will receive a total of $6,550 incash awards from Kroger as a result ofentering a Healthy Living contest. Matt

Arthur Elementary, Linwood Elementary, DavidPerdue Elementary and Quail Run Elementarywere named Honorable Mention winners andwill be awarded $1,500 each. ParkwoodElementary also won $500, and RussellElementary won $50. The awards will be pre-sented in April to be spent on any educationalneed.

Bruce Rouse, co-manager of the Kroger inBonaire, and Beth Wood, unit manager, encour-aged the schools to apply for the Kroger EarningPlus Learning for the opportunity to win up to$5,000. The contest theme was “HealthyLiving.” Schools creatively described how theyexhibit healthy livingthroughout the school yearby submitting an entry such as a scrapbook, photographs, avideo, essays, student art, etc. Quail Run Elementaryentered an exhibit board, which is pictured.

Linwood Elementary submitted a slideshow set tomusic. Text and pictures were used to illustrate healthy

meals in the school cafeteria, the Mileage Club, recess,health and physical education classes, Field Day, and acommunity health fair to include dental health and bicyclesafety. Children from the Mileage Club are pictured. Clubmembers meet weekly before school to run or walk and areawarded for the miles they travel.


In December, 2011, the Perry resident earned a degree inBiology and plans to attend graduate school to become abiology professor and researcher. Burgess was accepted

into several summer programs, but chose the University ofWisconsin-Madison, which paid $5,000 in salary and addi-tional funding to cover food, travel and accommodations.

While working with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Integrated Biological Sciences-Summer ResearchProgram, she was part of a research team that developed apatented method to reduce water pollution. The team devel-oped a vaccine to change the nutrient requirements of chick-ens and possibly reduce environmental pollution associatedwith animal agriculture. The patent was approved and maypotentially net $200 million a year.

Burgess presented her findings in October at theSociety for the Advancement of Chicanos and NativeAmericans in Science conference in San Jose, Calif. and atthe Annual Biomedical Research Conference for MinorityStudents in November in St. Louis.

She is currently working at the University of Alabama atBirmingham (UAB) in the Pharmacology and ToxicologyDepartment in Dr. Jennifer King's Pharmacoanalytical labora-tory. The lab focuses on the quantification of antiretroviraland antivirals to be used in configuring the pharmaco*kineticsand pharmacodynamics of these drugs to be used in clinicalHIV trials, drug development, and toxicity studies. She willwork there until she gets accepted into a Ph.D. program,which begins Fall 2012. Burgess is currently interviewingwith UAB, Emory, Duke, Indiana Univ., and University ofWisconsin-Madison for a Ph.D. program.

“I think Perry High School set the foundation for my interest in science as a career. My sci-ence teachers Mrs. Conner, Guyotte, and Heath sparked the passion. Also, all of Perry HighSchool's graduates that have gone to Fort Valley State are the top students in their depart-ments, so that is proof that this school has raised some fine students,” said KimberlyBurgess, 2008 Perry High School graduate and Fort Valley State Valedictorian

Future looks bright for Perry High School / Ft. Valley State Alumnus


The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (16)

16 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012





Vote online:

COMMUNITYThe Best Thing about Houston County The School System, Small-town feeling, Central location, Low crime rate

The Worst Thing about Houston County The traffic, excessive police presence, Overly corporate, Small town mentality

Favorite annual event in Houston County?Air Force Band 4th of July concert, International City Fest, SE Little League, Perry National Fair, Perry Dogwood Festival

What's Your Favorite Local Church?New Hope, Sacred Heart, Harvest Church, Christ Chapel

Favorite Salon and Spa?Salon Fusion, Cuts By Us, Salon 106

Best Tattoo Parlor?Wicked Tattoo, Sacred Heart, Beyond Taboo, Canvas of Flesh

NIGHTLIFEBest Singer Songwriter?Bruce Brookshire, Eddie Stone, Travis Denning, Chris Nations (Plethra)

Who is Warner Robins' Best Rock Band? Old Man Shoes, Plethra, Homeless Hill, Two Finger Jester, Ransom

HoCo’s Best place to hear live music? Friends on the Hill, Shenanigan’s, The Hangar, Bouchez, Rock Bottom, Kippers

Best Place to Dance?The Cavern, Shenanigan’s, Friends on the Hill, Kippers

Best Drink Specials / Happy Hour?Shenanigans, Margaritas, Friends on the Hill, The Tavern

Favorite Overall Bar Experience?Rock Bottom, The Tavern, Shenanigan’s, Kippers, The Cavern

Best place to sing karaoke?Shenanigan’s, Kippers, Friends II, Friends on the Hill, Buffalo’s

Best novelty store?Touch of Magick, U Roll Smokes, Starship

Best Local Bartender?Becky McDonald, ShenanigansShannon Province, The TavernJennifer at Friends on the Hill

DINING OUTBest Hot Wings?Shenanigan’s, Wow Wingery, Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings

Best Burger?NuWay, Mike’s Dogs, Kippers, Rusty’s Bar & Grill (Perry), The Tavern

Best Pizza?Atlas Pizza, Allen’s Stone-Baked Pizzeria, Mellow Mushroom, Johnny’s New York-style Pizzeria

Best Mexican in HoCo?El Cotija, Tacos & More, El Jaliscience, El Bronco, John’s Mexican

Best Ethnic Cuisine?Saigon Café, Metropolis, Thai Pepper, Dai Ichi

Best Barbecue in HoCo?Finchers, Georgia Bob’s, Fatz Cafe,Martin’s BBQ

Best Restaurant to Bring the Kids?Atlas Pizza, Mellow Mushroom, Stevie B’s, Johnny G’s

Favorite Lunch Spot?McCall's Sandwich Shop, Party on your Palate, Panera Bread

Best Date Night Spot?The Tavern at Southland Station, Metropolis, Johnny Carinno’s,Cane River Vineyard

Houston County’s Best Overall Restaurant Experience?Thai Peppers, The Tavern, McCall’s, The Swanson House, Rusty’s Grill & Bar



or visit our HoCo Facebook page

And the goldrecords go to...

The 11th Hour is proud to bring our annual Readers’ Choice Awards to

Houston County this year. Gold records adorn the walls of

Macon’s best restaurants, music venues and boutiques, and this year

we’ll be giving out our exclusive Gold Record awards to all Houston County

winners as well.

So come on, invite your friends, family and patrons to vote, visit our website or

facebook page for direct link.

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (17) 17

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The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (18)

18 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (19) 19

How did you break into wrestling?Well as a kid, as most wrestlers, I was just a huge fan. I watchedwrestling all the time. When I went to college, I started doingindependent wrestling events, and then I finally moved toKentucky where WWE’s wrestling school is, and I startedknocking on the door. Finally I was given and opportunity and Itook it without hesitation.

It had to be a little strange for you, as a woman to want towrestle. Well certainly when I started watching wrestling it was-n’t very common to see female wrestlers in the ring. But by thetime I started really doing it, it was becoming more prevalent.But yeah, my parents resisted at first, for sure. When I camehome and said “Hey you know how I was going to college, wellI’ve decided to wrestle too.” They didn’t know what to think.

Tell me about the first time you stepped into the ring infront a huge audience. Well my first WWE match wasn’t evena dark match (untelevised) most people get at least a few ofthose. But I had to actually be a fan that jumps the barricadeand attacked Nickie James. So I was actually sitting in the audi-

ence, as a fan, and then had to run to the ring and become awrestler. I can still remember my heart beating so fast. It wassurreal. I knew at that point that I could do anything.

How many days a year are you on the road? And how do youstay in shape on the road?We’re on the road probably 275-300 days a year. And it’s a hugechallenge staying fit on the road. Just finding a place to workout is a challenge from hotel to hotel. You have to be very disci-plined, and you have to really watch what you eat. So manywrestlers come into the big leagues so in shape and find outthey can’t maintain. It’s really the hardest thing bout being awrestler.

How involved are you as far as “Ring Theatrics.” Do youwrite your own scenarios? Well I’m the sculptor and the paint-brush. When I’m in the ring, I’m in control, and believe me it’san emotional rollercoaster.


SCENE430 Cherry Street | macon 741-9130 | M-F 4pm • sat 1pm

dart league $1 Wells all Day!

2-4-1 wells 4-8PM!



3-4-1 drinksopen mic night


Happy Hour

tokyo spa






2 Finger jester



St. Francis




Kevin Scott& Matt Pippen



Shovels & Ropeabby & vic open for

& Corduroy Road


WWE DivaBeth PhoenixBeth Phoenix likes to talk a good game, boasting ofher strength and dominance over all the Divas in thering. And Phoenix backs her words up — it’s what

Glamazons do. Ever since she was a little girl, she’sbeen commanding respect and powering her way

through obstacles and challenges.

Phoenix’s passion for sports-entertainment began asa young girl, watching countless hours of WWE with

her grandma on weekend mornings. Enrolling atNotre Dame High School in Elmira, N.Y., Phoenixbegan to blaze her own trail, becoming the first

female on the wrestling team. But making it to WWEwas a little more difficult … and college came first.Degree in hand, she threw caution to the wind andpursued her passion. Publisher Brad Evans talks to

the wrestling diva from her home in Buffalo, NY.


Mercer University has been named a finalistfor support from ArtPlace, an unprecedented pri-vate-public collaboration of nine of the nation’s topfoundations, eight federal agencies including theNational Endowment for the Arts, and six of thenation’s largest banks. ArtPlace supports creativeplacemaking with grants and loans, research andadvocacy. Mercer joins 128 other organizations in68 cities working to transform their communities bydriving vibrancy through investments in the arts.

Mercer’s $750,000 funding request to ArtPlacewould underwrite renovation of the former TattnallSquare Presbyterian Church, located at the corner ofCollege and Oglethorpe Streets in the College HillCorridor, for use as a community theatre and homefor the University’s Theatre Department. Thechurch property was donated to Mercer last year bythe Flint River Presbytery, which owned the facility.

Finalists were chosen for their potential to havea transformative impact on community vibrancy. ArtPlace expects to distribute $15 million in 2012.This year’s grant recipients will be announced inMay. Last year, 34 organizations received a total of$11.5 million.

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (20) 21

SAT, FEB 18Session Road @ Kipper’sLee and Chad are the two men who makeup the vocal powerhouse of SessionRoad. They have sung and recordedtogether for years now and are introduc-ing themselves back into country musicas the powerful male duo they have cometo be known as. They are backed by Johnon lead, Ray on rythym and writing thesongs, Griff on bass, and Sammy ondrums. Together, these six men create asound that stands out and gets noticed.Come enjoy these Fort Valley boys asthey play your favorite southern rock andcountry hits.

2 Finger Jester @ TheHummingbirdVoted your favorite “cover band” inMacon for the past three years and nomi-nated in HoCo for best Rock Band, don’tmiss these hometown rockers at Macon’sbest live music venue, for their 10 yearanniversary blow-out bash.

Damon Fowler @ The RookeryMaster of six-string, lap-steel, dobro andslide guitars Damon Fowler, who's cele-brating the release of his new CD, DevilGot His Way, will bring his dynamic showto Macon. Damon Fowler's guitar workhas been compared to Johnny Winter andJeff Beck, while his slide guitar has a hintof the late Duane Allman.

THUR, FEB 23Dash Rip Rock @ TheHummingbird In January 2012, Dash Rip Rock was inducted into theLouisiana Music Hall of Fame during theband's show at the House of Blues inNew Orleans. Dash Rip Rock is the leg-endary New Orleans-based rock bandknown for their unique roots music.Though Dash Rip Rock is an infamous livepowerhouse who is often credited withfounding the musical genre known as"Country Punk," Dash has always been aroots-based band inspired by a variety ofstyles, including rock, country, soul, andpower pop.

FRI, MARCH 2Legion X @ Rock Bottom“BEAT BY NOTHING” is an album thatfans of all metal genres can appreciate.Expect songs derived from blood, sweatand tears - it delivers anything from heavygrooves, to classical guitars, in your facevocals, thunderous bass tones, andscreaming solos with huge in-the-pocketdrumming. All ages show; death metal /thrashers from the ATL.

SAT, MARCH 3Radio Cult @ Kipper’sSince 2005, Radio Cult has performedover 750 shows including conventions,casinos, weddings, and festivals as wellas in bars, concert halls and other musicvenues from their hometown of Atlanta,GA all the way to Los Angeles, CA andLondon, UK. Playing the best music fromthe ‘80s, this rock band is high energy,high fun and guaranteed to be a blast.

Come Hear...

Listen up Houston County, there’s a musicrevolution on the rise and you’re invitedto join the cause! No longer do we have

to schlep our way to Macon or Atlanta to enjoyan evening out; whether you love Rock, metal,Southern Metal, Hip Hop, Independent,Gangsta Rap, Punk, Country, or somethingmore radical, chances are you will find it righthere in your own backyard. “We offer all origi-nal music,” said owner Bob Johnson, “we don’tbring in cover bands. I’ve always thought thisarea was void of a place where metal and hiphop can play on the same stage.”

Band centric and operated by local, work-ing musicians, Rock Bottom music venuestrives to bring a new experience to WarnerRobins while providing local bands a platformto showcase their talent. “People who live inWarner Robins should be able to play in WarnerRobins,” said staff member Ogre Johnson.

But local bands aren’t the only targetJohnson has in his sights. “I’ve always thoughtthere were enough music fans in the area towarrant bringing in some national acts. Thoselarger bands, that are playing in Atlanta andheaded to Florida, could easily make a stop toplay here.”

“The place is better than the Masquerade,”said Nick, member of local band Holocaustion.“The level of interaction with the audience isbetter than the big venues.” You can get yourgroove on in the “live” room, which providesan unobstructed standing/cheering/headbang-ing/moshing area directly in front of the stage.

The smoke-free room hosts performersand fans, while a separate room contains a barshowcasing a lacquered case containing concerttickets circa 1976 to the present (be sure tocheck out the Led Zeppelin ticket to a Macon

performance). While the walls started out pur-posefully bare, it’s only a matter of time untilthey are full of memorabilia, candid shots, andpainted murals by local artists, telling the storyof the local music scene.

Since opening in October, the venue hashosted a vast array of music every weekend andhas acts booked solid through April. “I’m justglad to finally have a rock club in MiddleGeorgia again,” posted Joe Garrett on the RockBottom Facebook page. “There are so many tal-ented young musicians in this area. Now theyfinally have a way to cut their teeth and getsome onstage experience…” The venue is gain-ing in popularity as the word spreads through-out the community; and, although it is tem-porarily a dry establishment, over 100 patronsstop by to catch a show.

“We hope to serve alcohol soon,” Johnsonsaid. “We’ve done the paperwork and are justwaiting for the license.” Although some bandsprefer to wait until the liquor license is in hand,there hasn’t been a shortage of bands playing atRock Bottom.

In fact, the lack of a liquor license hasbeen an unexpected gift for some; it has afford-ed teenage rockers the chance to see acts thatthey don’t ordinarily have access to, giving par-ents and their kids a chance to bond in a newway. Johnson encourages the younger set toenjoy the abundant all ages shows while theylast, and plans to continue to offer all age showsin the future (limited to specific days and times).

As an audio engineer and owner ofInsurrection Sound, a full service independentrecord label, Johnson has the music chops tomake Rock Bottom the premiere music venuein Middle Georgia. The recording studio pro-vides onsite recordings of live performancesand helps Indie Musicians record demos andfull length albums, promote, and produce theiroriginal works.

To date, the studio has hosted local bandsSouthern Psykology, Profits of Doom, JustinHeat, Plethra, Seven year Siege, Ian Malcom,Loose Skrews, Blacktop Blonde, Deepest Gray,Gangsta Wu, The John Stanley Project, andmore.

“We’ve recorded a ton of bands with greatresults,” Johnson said. “I’ve always wanted toown a music venue. So when this place openedup, it was too good to pass up. It was just a nat-ural progression of what I was already doing.”

Rock Bottom is located at 1619 MoodyRd (at the corner of S. Pleasant Hill). Showsstart at 8 p.m. and the cover is $7; shows areall ages until they get their liquor licensewhen all ages shows will be held a coupletimes a month. For information, call 478-213-4762 or check their Facebook page (rockbot-tomga) for lineups.



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Radio Cult @ Kippers

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Wednesday & Sunday 8pm-until at AP’s Hidden Hideaway

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Every Friday & Saturday,Friends Bar & Grill, Macon

Sundays & Wed. with Brad, 9pmThe Backporch Lounge

PUBINGOEvery Tuesday night, come play withfriends, great prizes! 7-9pm 20’s Pub

TRIVIANOW TUESDAYS: Hardest Trivia inMacon 7-9pm at BJs Billiards

Wednesdays, Johnny’s Pizzeria

Tuesday nights at Giuseppis, hostedby Outspoken Ent.

Tuesday Night Trivia (8pm) withOutspoken Entertainment., WildWing Cafe

Trivia every Monday night with Woodyat the Backporch Lounge

Tuesday night trivia with our ownJammin’ Rivalrys

Trivia every Tuesday, 8pm Kipper’s Sports Bar

Trivia with T-Bag at Loco’s everyWednesday, 8:30pm!

Every Wednesday at The Rookery,compete for $5,000 grand prize! 8pm

Every Wednesday at The Bird, 7pm.

Thursday nights 9p, The Shamrock

POKERPoker Tournament every Mon & Wed7 and 10pm, Kippers Sports Bar

Nightly Poker 7:30p, Friends Bar

Nightly Poker 8p, BJ Billiards

Sat 2p,Wed 7p, Billy’s Clubhouse

Tues,Wed and Thur:Texas Hold ‘Em7pm at AP’s Hidden Hideaway

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (21)

22 FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 14, 2012

IN MY HEADRipped from a journal of suspectedmurderer found hiding out in MaconBUSTED

The recently arrested in Houston County

COLBY HALEProbation Violation

COURTNEY CLARKGiving false name






KARA DOVERPossession ofMarijuana

LARRY BASBYAggravated Stalking

KRISTEN TANKERSELYProbation violation

LAURA COLLIERProbation violation

MITCHELL WRENDENFleeing, HabitualOffender

NINA WILLIAMSContempt of Court

RICHARD LANIERTheft by Receiving


BRYAN DUKESPoss of Marijuana

In the months before their deaths, relatives say Mildred and JewelCleveland had struggled living in the same house with Mildred's grownson, Jason Howard. Jobless and socially withdrawn, Howard was a dis-

turbed man who had been committed to a mental institution for schizophre-nia following his arrest for robbing a bank. Although his mother thoughtthat Howard could be rehabilitated and insisted that he live with them, rel-atives say her husband, Jewel, wasn't so sure. Police think that after killingand burying the Clevelands, Jason Howard continued to live in the house.He paid bills, cared for the family pets, and even took a trip to the family'svacation home. With the aid of cadaver dogs, Liberty County police foundthe bodies of Jewel and Mildred Cleveland wrapped in tarps and buried in abarn on June 15, 2004. An autopsy later confirmed that both had been shotin the head and that Mildred had been beaten first. In his own words from a

November 1994 note, Howard explained:“Let it be known that I, Jason M. Howard, can be extremely paranoid, therefore as a fugitive I

will not only be carrying firearms but explosives as well...I'm not dangerous until I am crossed or cor-nered, so stay away. Keep away and don't blame me for a dead tactical team.”

For the next several years, Howard would live in the woods in Macon, in a camp he constructedout of camouflage tarps and tents and everything else he could find. He was featured on America’s MostWanted during those years, though he would elude arrest until 2009, when Macon Police found himbreaking into a rental car. Some months later, a friend of the 11th Hour, and a cross country runner,came across Howard’s camp in the woods. In it three journals were found. What follows is a page ofone of these journals, the first in a series of pages that look inside the head of a suspected killer.

JASON HOWARDArrested 4/13/20094 Cts Felony Murder

STEPHEN SIMPTONAggravated Assault

TERRENCE MANGHAMProbation Violation

LAYLA WINDHAM -NEWBYDui - Endangering LifeOf A Child While Dui

TERRY HICKSTheft of Property

The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (22) 23

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The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (23)

POKEREvery Tues & ThurTexas Hold ‘Em starts at 7:30p

POOL8-Ball Fridays at 8:30pm9-Ball Saturdays at 8:30pm

TRIVIAThursday nights, 9pmWith DJ Dale

CORNHOLEThursdays - Indoors!Tournaments 7:30pm






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KE 2

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- PO

OL - K




1229 Russell PkyWarner Robins

(478) 225-1165

Monday - Saturday 3pm - 2amHappy Hour 3pm - 7pm



The 11th Hour - Houston County - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.