Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Draining the ricotta on paper towels cuts a lengthy draining period into just minutes.
  • Partially freezing the ricotta mixture makes it easy to scoop up with a cookie scoop, saving you from having to try and work with soft, moist ricotta.
  • Storing the gnudi in semolina flour builds up a thin pasta shell around the soft ricotta center.

Normally, I’m all about innovation and deep digging and hardcore testing here atThe Food Lab. But this time I’m starting with a dish so iconic, so incredible, so damn-near-flawless in its original form that the best I can possiblyhopeto do is tweak it just a bit to suit my very particular personal tastes. I’m talking about the ricotta gnudi at The Spotted Pig, April Bloomfield’s West Village gastropub (which closed in January 2020). It was my favorite restaurant in New York, largely on account of those little buttery balls of dairy (though the perfect Sazeracs they made at both the upstairs and downstairs bars don’t hurt either).

I can still intimately remember the first time I had them. It was back in 2008 and I was on the home stretch of aneight-hour, 12-burger tour of New York.Despite the fact that I already had close to a dozen burgers in my belly, the bartender convinced me that the ricotta gnudi were worth a try. They came to the bar in a shallow dish, a half dozen pale yellow balls bathed in a creamy butter sauce with a dark streak of browned butter drizzled on top.

I could smell the nuttiness of the browned butter infused with crispy sage. What I didn’t expect as I picked up one of those gnudi was its texture. It felt almost like an under-inflated water balloon, a thin, thin skin that seemed impossibly delicate with a liquid center. I bit into it and felt the rush of warm savory sheep’s milk ricotta burst into my mouth. I quickly polished off the dish and ordered a second for my friends who were joining me later on.

I made it a point to stop into the ‘Pig and order a plate of those gnudi every time I visited New York, and I’m not the only one: they were the most popular dish on the menu for a reason.

The good news is that now that the Spotted Pig is closed, the gnudi are actually quite simple to make at home. All you’ve got to do is roll a ricotta mixture in semolina flour and let it rest overnight until that flour has hydrated and formed a thin, thin shell of pasta around the ricotta that just barely holds it together. Then you just boil and eat it. April herself offers up a recipe and technique in her bookA Girl and Her Pig(required reading as far as I’m concerned). I’ve used her method in the past with excellent end results, but they can be a bit fiddly and require the use of a piping bag with a very large tip.

Over years of making these guys at home, I’ve come up with a few little tweaks and tips; minor modifications to the original technique that have maximized my own chance of success. Hopefully they’ll help you out as well. Here’s how I do it, step by step.

Step 1: Start With Good Ricotta and Drain It Well

As with myquick and easy ricotta gnocchi, I’ve found that the quality of the ricotta is of utmost importance to the success of this recipe. There’s really not much more to it. Not all ricotta is created equal. In fact, of commonly available supermarket ingredients, I’d say it’s the one product that shows the most variation between low and high quality. The good stuff can be heavenly, while the bad stuff? Gritty, watery, bland, sour-tasting dreck that’s not worth the cost of the plastic tub it comes packaged in.

Low-quality mass-market brands will have various gums and stabilizers listed as ingredients, included to bypass costly and time-consuming draining steps. You’re essentially buying water that’s been stabilized artificially to thicken up with the milk solids in the tub. Higher quality ricotta should list milk, salt, and, at the very most, either an acid or a natural culture. These are the only ones you should be buying. If you can find freshly made sheep’s milk ricotta at a specialty market or a farmer’s market, even better. It has a nice grassiness and sharp acidity that plays nicely with the rich butter sauce.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (1)

To drain the ricotta, I use my patented rapid-drain technique: just spread the ricotta out on a triple layer of paper towels or a clean kitchen towel, and press it down with more clean towels. Lift off the towels (they should peel right off), and dump the ricotta into a bowl, leaving the excess moisture behind.

Step 2: Season and Mix

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (2)

Once the ricotta is drained, I weigh out exactly 12 ounces of it to which I add two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese, along with a ton of black pepper. The gnudi at the ‘Pig have no pepper, but to me, ricotta without black pepper is like MacGyver without a pocket knife. It just doesn’t get the job done quite as well.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (3)

I fold all of this together with a rubber spatula.

At this point, in the original recipe, you’d transfer the soft mixture to a piping bag and pipe it out onto a bed of semolina flour in long logs that then get cut up with scissors into individual gnudi. I always found this process a little trying. Here’s what I do instead:

Step 3: Spread and Freeze

To get the mixture to firm up, I spread it out on a plate and transfer it to the freezer for about 15 minutes, just until it starts to harden. I then transfer it back to the bowl and work it with a spatula until no big chunks of frozen ricotta remain.

Step 4: Scoop and Coat

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (4)

With the ricotta chilled and firm, it’s now pretty easy to portion it out with a small cookie scoop and dump the balls into a bowl of semolina flour. I use my fingers to scoop excess flour on top of the ricotta balls to coat them.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (5)

Step 5: Ball, Nest, Repeat

Once the ricotta is coated on all sides with semolina, I pick it up and very gently roll it into a clean sphere in my fingertips, making sure not to fold it or to scrape off any of the semolina.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (7)

Next I give the ball a little nest inside a baking dish with another layer of semolina flour. The idea is that this baking dish is going to become the ricotta ball’s home for the next one to three days as a shell slowly forms around it.

Once all the ricotta balls are in place, I dump any remaining semolina over the top then cover the dish and let it rest in the fridge, turning the gnudi over a couple times a day as they rest. I find that about 18 hours is the minimum you need to form gnudi that have a thick enough shell not to completely burst as you cook them. Much longer than three days and the gnudi start to get dry inside as the pasta layer slowly absorbs interior moisture.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (8)

As soon as the gnudi feel relatively firm and dry to the tough, they’re ready to go.

Step 6: Make Sage Brown Butter

The saucing is entirely up to you. Even a goodred saucewould be great with these, but I’m partial to the way April does it at the Spotted Pig. The duo of butter sauces really brings out the sweet, fresh dairy flavor of the gnudi.

Start by gentlybrowning butterin a skillet.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (9)

Next add fresh sage leaves and fry them, turning, until they’re completely crisp. This will take a couple minutes. You will be hungry the entire time.

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (10)

Transfer the fried sage leaves to a paper towel and immediately season them with salt. I eat two or three right off the bat. I just can’t help myself. I’m amazed that nobody has sold packages of fried sage leaves yet. I’d eat them as a snack.

Step 7: Boil the Gnudi

To cook the gnudi, I gently drop them into a large pot of boiling salted water. They are far more delicate than your average pasta, but not quite the tender, timid beasts that many folks make them out to be. I’ve never had any that have broken on me during cooking, though you do have to make sure to stir gently with a wooden spoon at the very start to ensure they aren’t sticking to the bottom of the pot. Just two to three minutes and they’re hot and ready. Rather than draining in a colander (which can cause the gnudi to crush each other), I use a slotted spoon to lift them out and transfer them to a skillet that’s already waiting for them with a few tablespoons of fresh butter.

Step 8: Make the Second Butter Sauce

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (11)

The second sauce is just a simple emulsified butter sauce. At the Spotted Pig, you get a super luscious, creamy, perfectly emulsifiedbeurre monté, which is relatively easy to make when you do it by the pound in a restaurant setting (or have the benefit of an industrial burner that will rapidly boil and emulsify butter and water), but tends to be a little more difficult to do at home in small batches. Never you fear, we’ll get there, and it’s much easier than you think once you learn to accept that you’re cheating just a little bit.

The key is to useplentyof pasta water. These gnudi shed semolina like a dog sheds hair in the summer, so your pasta water should be packed with it. When you combine some of this pasta water in a skillet with a few more tablespoons of butter, the starch granules from the flour swell up and burst, thickening the water and making it far easier to emulsify with the butter.

Just a vigorous boil on the stovetop with the gnudi already inside will transform your butter and pasta water into a creamy, gnudi-coating sauce.

Step 9: Plate Them Up!

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (12)

And we’re done! All that’s left to do is plating, and that’s an easy one. Transfer the gnudi and whatever sauce clings to them from the pan to a serving platter, top with fried sage leaves, drizzle with browned butter, and you’re good to go. Just make sure your guests are ready and waiting because these gnudi are at their bestjustout of the kitchen and, as we all know, ricotta waits for no man.

Step 10: Open Wide

Step 11: CHOMP

Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (14)

Pro-tip: do NOT do what I did and bite off half of a gnudi. This is one of those cases where you wanna get the whole thing in your mouth in one go so that you can experience the pleasure of the dairy burst.

And there you’ve got it. My own take on my favorite dish in the world (made by one of my favorite chefs in the world), in your own kitchen. And it’s damned easy to boot. As Tom Petty says, it’s just the waiting that’s the hardest part.

April 2015

Recipe Details

Ricotta and Black Pepper Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe

Active30 mins

Total24 hrs

Serves4to 6 servings


For the Gnudi:

  • 16 ouncesbest quality fresh sheep or cow's milk ricotta

  • 2 ounces Parmesan cheese, plus more for serving

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 4 cups semolina flour

For Finishing:

  • 3/4 stick (6 tablespoons)unsalted butter

  • 12 to 15sage leaves


  1. For the gnudi: Line a large plate with 3 layers of paper towels or a clean dish towel. Transfer ricotta directly to paper towels and spread with a rubber spatula. Place another triple layer of paper towels or a clean dish towel on top and press down firmly with the palms of your hands to blot excess moisture. Peel off upper paper towels.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (15)

  2. Place a large bowl on a scale and zero the scale. Scrape ricotta into bowl to weigh. Remove excess ricotta to leave exactly 12 ounces. Reserve excess ricotta for another use. Add Parmesan and season heavily with black pepper. Combine mixture with a rubber spatula. Season to taste with salt. Transfer to a large clean plate and spread into a thin, even layer. Transfer to freezer and let chill for 15 minutes.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (16)

  3. Meanwhile, transfer half of the semolina flour to a large bowl and the other half to a 9- by 13-inch baking dish. When ricotta is chilled, scrape it into a separate empty large bowl and fold it with a rubber spatula until no big chunks of frozen ricotta remain. Using a small cookie scoop, form a ball of ricotta about 1 1/2-inches wide (about 2 tablespoons) and transfer to the bowl with the flour. Using your fingers, scoop dry flour over the top of the ricotta ball.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (17)

  4. Once the ball is coated, gently lift it and roll it around in your hands to form a neat sphere. Transfer it to the baking dish. Repeat with remaining ricotta. You should have about 16 to 20 finished gnudi. Sprinkle any remaining semolina in the bowl over the formed gnudi. Cover baking dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 and up to 3 days, turning the gnudi once per day. Once gnudi have formed a skin, they can be frozen. Transfer to a large plate or a rimmed baking sheet and freeze until solid, about 1 hour. Transfer to a zipper-lock freezer bag and store in the freezer for up to 2 months. Allow to thaw on a plate covered with plastic wrap in the refrigerator overnight before cooking.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (18)

  5. To Cook and Serve: Heat 2 tablespoons butter in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat until foaming subsides, butter solids are golden brown, and butter has a nutty aroma. Add sage leaves, season lightly with salt, and cook, turning the leaves occasionally, until crisp, about 2 minutes. Using tongs, transfer the leaves to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Reserve browned butter off-heat.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (19)

  6. Place the remaining butter in a medium skillet. Bring a large pot of well-salted water to a boil. Add gnudi and cook, stirring very gently, for 3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the gnudi to the skillet with the butter, making sure that plenty of pasta water gets into the pan with the gnudi.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (20)

  7. Place the skillet over high heat and cook, shaking the pan and gently stirring the gnudi until the butter and pasta water emulsify into a creamy sauce, about 1 minute. Season to taste with salt.

    Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (21)

  8. Transfer gnudi and butter sauce to a warm serving dish or to individual plates. Top with fried sage leaves and drizzle with browned butter. Sprinkle with Parmesan and black pepper and serve immediately.

Special Equipment

Small cookie scoop

Read More

  • Quick and Easy Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi Recipe
Ricotta Gnudi With Sage and Brown Butter Recipe (2024)


Why did my gnudi fall apart? ›

Here's the thing: both of the main ingredients in this dish—ricotta and boiled spinach—are mostly water. These dumplings, made out of ingredients that are mostly water, will absolutely fall apart if there is even a little bit too much water in them.

What is the difference between gnudi and ricotta gnocchi? ›

Gnocchi have a starchy base, such as potato or flour, while gnudi are, at their simplest, little more than featherlight clouds of fluffy fresh ricotta, often dressed with nothing fancier than melted butter.

Can I freeze ricotta gnudi? ›

Make Ahead, Leftovers, and Freezing

Freezing: Arrange formed, uncooked gnudi on a baking sheet, then freeze solid for a few hours. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and use withing 3 months. Cook from frozen: Frozen ricotta gnudi will cook in about 4-5 minutes in simmering water.

Where did gnudi originate? ›


Why won't my gnocchi dough stay together? ›

My Gnocchi Are Falling Apart When I Cook Them

This means there isn't enough flour and your dough is too wet.

Why is my gnocchi not fluffy? ›

Add just enough flour to hold the dough together, and don't overmix. The culprit in tough gnocchi is usually one of two things (or both): too much flour in the dough or too much kneading.

Do Italians boil or fry gnocchi? ›

Italians have traditionally made gnocchi with the simplest ingredients: stale bread, different types of flour, different vegetables. Again, the word “gnocchi” simply refers to the shape of pasta. Gnocchi are just small pieces of dough boiled in water.

How is gnudi pronounced in Italian? ›

In less romantic terms, gnudi can be thought of as nude ravioli, as the ingredients are quite similar to ravioli filling. The “g” is silent in both words; thus, gnocchi is pronounced “nyoh-kee,” while gnudi is pronounced “nyoo-dee” or simply “noo-dee.”

Is gnocchi better or worse for you than pasta? ›

pasta, neither is really the better option. Regular pasta is higher in protein and has small amounts of some nutrients, while gnocchi is lower in calories and carbohydrates. But because gnocchi is smaller and denser, it's likely that you'd end up eating bigger portions than if you were eating regular pasta.

Can you reheat gnudi? ›

Reheat the gnudi in a pan with salted simmering water and the melted butter. Plate the porcini puree, place gnudi on top and top with Parmesan cheese.

Why can't you freeze ricotta cheese? ›

The high moisture content in ricotta causes ice crystals to form when frozen; in other words, when you thaw your ricotta, the texture of the cheese will have changed, which may be less appealing to some.

Can you eat cold gnocchi the next day? ›

Yes, sure. It's just that they (the potato variant a little less so than the flour variant) develop a pretty nasty texture and don't taste good cold... The real gnocchi (the ones made with mashed potatoes) need to be eaten as soon and as hot as possible.

What is a nudi? ›

Gnudi are a tasty Tuscan, Italian favorite consisting of ricotta dough balls that got its name from the English word “nudi,” or naked. Often times called naked ravioli, gnudi is essentially the stuffing that goes into the ravioli.

What dish is similar to gnocchi? ›

Gnudi (Ricotta Gnocchi)

What are gnocchi made of ricotta cheese called? ›

Gnudi are generally a bit larger than gnocchi and often made with less flour and therefore require an even more delicate hand. They're traditionally made plain, with just ricotta, or with ricotta and spinach.

Why did my gnocchi disintegrate? ›

Gnocchi can disintegrate for a few reasons. You might not have added enough flour or egg, or you may have overboiled them.

Why is my gnocchi dough breaking? ›

If you overdo it with flour, your gnocchi will be too hard, if you put too little they will break during cooking. The rule says that the flour must be at most a third of the amount of potatoes.

Why did my dumplings fall apart? ›

Some doughs are too dry, so the dumplings won't stay sealed. Others can be too wet and sticky and end up tearing. If the filling isn't cohesive enough, it will tumble out when you bite into it. If there's air trapped in the sealed dumpling, it will balloon during cooking, causing an explosive first bite.

Why do my homemade noodles fall apart? ›

If you're drying pasta to make it easier to shape or cook, you only need to dry the pasta for 15 minutes. If you attempt to dry the pasta longer than this, the dough or pasta can become too solid and even begin to crack into pieces.


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